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Toby S. Daly-Engel

Associate Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

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Marine ecology, evolution, fish and fisheries, reproductive strategies, genomics, climate change, conservation

Personal Overview

Dr. Toby’s research uses a combination of genomics, field ecology, and modeling to study mating systems, habitat use, and the impacts of climate change on shark populations.  She is interested in how reproductive behaviors, particularly from a female fitness perspective, interact with the environment to influence species, populations, individuals, and genomes. Dr. Toby (she/her) grew up in upstate New York and got her BA in Biology at Oberlin College. She worked in Boston for two years before going on to get her Master’s and PhD in Zoology with a specialization in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology at the University of Hawaii. She won accolades as an Assistant Professor at the University of West Florida, where she ran a shark tagging field program and helped found the West Florida chapter of the Association for Women in Science, before moving her research to the Florida Institute of Technology. As director of the Florida Tech Shark Conservation Lab, Dr. Toby and her students work with collaborators from state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and public groups to study how reproduction and rising temperatures shape movement patterns in large migratory fishes, identify cryptic species, and work to increase representation for women in science, especially women of color.