Outside of Denius Student Center

Faculty Senate Executive Committee

The committee shall be composed of the officers and chairs of the standing committees of the Faculty Senate and the immediate past president. The committee shall be chaired by the president of the senate. This committee coordinates the business to come before the senate.



Nakin Suksawang
Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
(321) 674-7504

F.W. Olin Engineering Complex, 204



To be announced

President (Elect)

President (Elect)

Jessica L. Wildman
Professor (Industrial Organizational Psychology)
(321) 674-7130

405QAD, Room 110

Past President

Past President

Alan Brown
Professor of Chemistry
(321) 674-7433

F.W. Olin Physical Sciences, 322

Academic Policies Committee

Academic Policies Committee

Vipuil Kishore
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
(321) 674-8847

Health Sciences Research Building, Rm. 224

The committee shall be concerned with all policies of an academic nature that pertain to students, including recruitment, entrance requirements, class attendance regulations, student counseling, and placement and academic misconduct.

Welfare Committee

Welfare Committee

Marshall Jones
Assistant Professor (College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Psychology)
(321) 674-7416

Harris Commons, Room 233


The committee shall be concerned with policies that affect faculty welfare and morale. This committee should make recommendations concerning fringe benefits, tuition benefits, equity raises and other related matters. 

Excellence Awards Committee

Excellence Awards Committee




The committee shall be concerned with providing opportunities that emphasize people and activities that significantly contribute to the excellence of the university's distinctive educational programs. Duties include providing recommendations on the use of monies for professional development; recognizing outstanding faculty in the areas of teaching, research and service; coordinating forums for faculty discussion on educational issues; and disseminating information about effective teaching.

Administrative Policies Committee

Administrative Policies Committee

Mehmet Kaya (Chair)
Associate Professor of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences
(321) 674-7147

Edwin A. Link Building, 305

The committee shall be concerned with policies that relate to the employment conditions of the faculty and make recommendations relative to such policies as qualifications for promotion, contract renewals, research, teaching loads, extracurricular assignments, summer employment, absence, sabbatical leaves, travel, dissemination of information to and from the faculty, academic freedom and related policies.

Scholarship Committee

Scholarship Committee



The committee shall be responsible for the administration and financial aspects of the senate’s scholarship program. The committee shall determine the number of scholarships and the departments to which scholarships will be awarded.

Technology, Resources, and Infrastructure (TRI) Committee

Technology, Resources, and Infrastructure (TRI) Committee

Jordan Poole (Chair)
Instructor, College of Aeronautics
(321) 674-6838

Skurla Hall


The committee shall be concerned with issues that relate to technology, resources, and infrastructure critical to faculty success in the core areas of teaching, research, and service. As an example, the committee shall provide recommendations to the faculty senate with regards to requirements in information technology, information assurance, educational equipment, learning management systems, enterprise architecture considerations, facilities, and critical technologies, resources, and infrastructure for faculty to conduct, evolve, and excel in their teaching, research, and service roles/missions. The committee will interact and participate with university committees as needed to represent faculty interests relative to technology, resources, and infrastructure.

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