High-tech visualization of a brain
Institute For Culture, Collaboration, & Management (ICCM)

The Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management (ICCM) is an applied research institute that works with organizations and funding agencies that are interested in furthering and/or applying science in pursuit of their goals. ICCM specializes in practical science, which translates into measurable results. 

ICCM’s mission is to advance the science and practice of culture, collaboration, and diversity in organizations worldwide by:

  1. conducting and disseminating rigorous, multidisciplinary, impactful basic and applied research,
  2. providing science-backed, customized, and intuitive consulting solutions for our clients, and
  3. providing unparalleled professional development opportunities that prepare our students to be exceptional organizational scientist-practitioners.

ICCM is staffed by Master’s and PhD-level graduate students and is led by Florida Tech faculty: Dr. Rich Griffith, Dr. Jessica Wildman, and Dr. Amanda Thayer.

Research & Practice

Recent advances in ICCM's research and practice include grants through the Department of Defense in addition to unfunded research and corporate consulting across our three research portfolios: culture, teams, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.


The Culture portfolio is comprised of projects with a primary focus on culture broadly defined as shared systems of meaning affiliated with any distinct social group (e.g., nation, organization, profession).

Current projects within the Culture portfolio include:

  • organizational and national cultural advising for a Fortune 100 multinational pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer goods corporation,
  • research examining the effects of differing cultural orientations in predicting work outcomes,
  • the validation of a proprietary experiential learning tool,
  • an exploration of the criterion problem within cross cultural management research,
  • an investigation of the effects of trust violation across cultures, and
  • working in a support role to the Advanced Research Training Seminar (ARTS) as offered by the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP).


The Teams portfolio consists of projects with a primary focus on emergent states, processes, and performance in higher-level social entities such as collaborative dyads, teams, or multiteam systems.

Current projects within the Teams portfolio include:

  • a Collaborative Agreement between the Army Research Institute (ARI), three other universities (Rice University, University of Georgia, Clemson University), and two applied research firms (Aptima and the Group for Organizational Effectiveness) to develop and conduct experimental research sessions for a new research paradigm,
  • an ongoing longitudinal teams research study that examines the IMOI of engineering teams,
  • an experimental study that investigates the impact of different types of training on virtual teams,
  • an exploration of the emotional contagion process between dyads to entire groups,
  • a theoretical examination of the way traits are expressed in teams,
  • a validation and exploration of how trust and distrust is best conceptualized and measured,
  • an investigation into the process of internal monitoring, adjusting and maintaining during long duration space exploration, and
  • the development of a theoretical framework to explain the dynamics of organizational sub-systems.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

The DEI portfolio is comprised of projects with a primary focus on improving equity and inclusion within groups or organizations, especially for stigmatized, disadvantaged, and/or minority groups.

Current projects within the DEI portfolio include:

  • creating a multilevel framework of trust and human agent teams for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research’s Trust & Influence program,
  • examining the culture behind sexual assault in the US Military and possible culture-based interventions,
  • an examination of the drivers and antecedents of inclusion in a large, Fortune 500 retail company, and
  • the creation and dissemination of a publicly available toolkit aimed to aid early-career or student Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychologists advocate the field in areas where it is less well known.

Global Presence

ICCM partners with various institutions in Europe, namely Erasmus Mundus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), The University of Valencia (Spain), The University of Silesia (Poland), the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the East China Normal University in Shanghai, China. As a whole, these connections open avenues for future collaborations with other European organizations and enhance Florida Tech’s reputation as a global leader in I/O psychology.

If you would like more information on ICCM, please visit the ICCM website or find us on Facebook. If you would like to get involved with ICCM, please contact Dr. Jessica Wildones.